Khemlal Nirmalkar
Khemlal Nirmalkar
Hello Prof. Yu, I find your clusterProfiler ( a useful tool and tried to follow the tutorial. Since I am working on the gut microbiome and have KEGG pathways for...
Hi, I am a newbie to assembly-annotation work and recently i needed to run prokka twice for the same sets of samples but found a different head for gff files...
Dear Leo Lahti, I am newbie to bioinformatic analysis and trying to make Correlation analysis with heatmap using "Microbiome" and other associated packages by following this link. I tried...
Hi, Is there any recent update/possibilities on labeling the sample IDs in the beta diversity plot in qiime2? Thanks,
Hi @sbslee I am curious to know, are differential analyses tools like lefse, ANCOM, ALDX2, and/or DeSeq2 for microbiota data out of scope for Dokdo? it would be wonderful to...
Hi, i am using following command and getting error for core/memory i guess ********** kraken2 --threads 10 --db /media/scebmeta/raw_backup/kraken2_full_db/kraken2_db KN106_scaffolds.fasta --report KN106_kraken_report.txt --output KN106_kraken_output.tsv Loading database information... done. Processed 74737...