Sébastien PERIN

Results 14 issues of Sébastien PERIN

Dazzle wraps its Dashboard Component with react-dnd's DragDropContext(HMLT5Backend) I wish to use Dazzle in my application but also use react-dnd in another part of my component hierarchy which is not...

Hello I'm Trying to run the following command on Ubuntu 17.10 (artful) with docker 17.12.1-ce: `docker run --rm --device /dev/snd -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --device /dev/dri jess/nes /games/zelda.rom` I needed...


We've been trying to run 06-sound-sample on Neogeo AES with a NEOSD cartdige. Someone has already achieved this successfully? We use [neosdconv](https://github.com/city41/neosdconv) and it works fine with game roms downloaded...

I've tried to record a 10 minutes sample on the demo page http://audior.ec/recordmp3js/ I click on stop button then it starts to convert to Mp3 and it raises a buffer...

Just to let one knows that there are breaking changes starting from version [105.0.20220912145803](https://maven.mozilla.org/maven2/?prefix=maven2/org/mozilla/geckoview/geckoview-armeabi-v7a/105.0.20220912145803/) of geckoview which prevent GeckoViewPlugn to compile: ``` > Task :app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED G:\VIZUA\github\vizua3d\UnityOculusAndroidVRBrowser\GeckoViewPlugin\app\src\main\java\com\eyeflite\ian\geckoviewplugin\GeckoViewPLugin.java:728: error: method does...

I've been able to build the GackoViewPlugin. Now I'm trying to figure out how I can modify it to make it open clicked `` links which has `target="_blank"` attribute e.g...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** There's a GLB file that I cannot import to blender 3.5.1 - glTF 2.0 import/export addon 3.5.30. This GLB file...


Inside a non terminating program (like an expressjs server). Without `require('lz4-asm')` module the instruction `new Promise((resolve, reject) => { throw new Error("my promise thrown error"); });` produces the following output...

I started to use swagger-editor-live and it does exactly what I was looking for swagger-editor version 3. It works but I had a strange issue that I wanted to report....

The link on the README is https://www.eternalcoding.com/?p=113 but leads to the home page of the blog. I guess the original blog post was this one: https://www.eternalcoding.com/what-do-you-mean-by-shaders-learn-how-to-create-shaders-with-babylon-js/ Still the image links...