
Results 3 issues of khatfull

Full search of / doesn't find the file anywhere...nowhere on the filesystem or in the directory in which the pull was done (/opt/manspider). find / -name *manspider* /var/lib/docker/overlay2/1b696d278e07143f78a532582be1ecf9130363c46532c978940d9eb162fd390d/diff/usr/local/bin/manspider /var/lib/docker/overlay2/1b696d278e07143f78a532582be1ecf9130363c46532c978940d9eb162fd390d/diff/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/man_spider/__pycache__/manspider.cpython-36.pyc /var/lib/docker/overlay2/1b696d278e07143f78a532582be1ecf9130363c46532c978940d9eb162fd390d/diff/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/man_spider/

**Description** This is currently the one thing I miss from Windows-based, the hardness slider in the clone stamp and brush tools. I used these settings a LOT during retouching....

good first issue

As in title. I apologize for being an OpenVPN/easyrsa noob, but I seem to have inherited an installation. Looking for a guide to make the upgrade from easyrsa 3.0.8 to...