Khary Mendez
Khary Mendez
Hey @abergmeier there probably is, but I haven't gotten around to reverse engineering that capability. I'll keep this issue on the backlog, thanks!
Just a heads up that I've released a [go version of this application ](, a single native executable for the cli and ui. Let me know if you can give...
Just a heads up that I've released a [go version of this application ](, a single native executable for the cli and ui. Let me know if you can give...
I'm a bit late to the party here! @incanus if you're still interested in submitting a PR feel free and I will take a look and try to leverage your...
Just a heads up that I've released a [go version of this application ](, a single native executable for the cli and ui. It uses hidapi so sudo is no...
Hey @sagarbehere and @henricook - this fell off my radar but I'll try to get to it in the next few days. Thanks!
@sagarbehere @henricook I just released a new version that should hopefully support the beam seamlessly (no config file or command line options needed). Please let me know your results whenever...
Thanks @massimeddu-sonicjobs @henricook - it looks like the beam uses different control codes than the glow for some reason. I'll check whether the `lsusb -v` output provides any hints otherwise...
It looks like the endpoint address is different for the Beam. I'll use the correct endpoint address depending on the device and push that code later today :crossed_fingers:
@henricook @massimeddu-sonicjobs - I just pushed a [new version to pypi]( with the correct endpoint for the Beam. Hopefully the rest of the API is the same as the Glow...