Win Nguyen
Win Nguyen
Me too! `"message": "Method Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher::fire does not exist.",`
Looks like this repo is no longer under maintenance
Best we can support events for one-time purchase like Cancel, Refund...
my pc the same issue, but i don't install any Visual Studio version.
Looks like I have been, maybe the error in mothed routeNotificationForFcm() on User model: ` public function routeNotificationForFcm() { return $this->deviceFCMs()->pluck('token')->toArray(); //or return 'string token'; } `
My solution: `sudo ./certbot-auto certonly -d "$LE_SSL_DOMAIN" --agree-tos --email "$LE_EMAIL" --webroot --webroot-path /var/app/current"$DOCUMENT_ROOT" --debug --non-interactive --renew-by-default ` => Update: `sudo ./certbot-auto certonly --apache -d "$LE_SSL_DOMAIN" -d "www.$LE_SSL_DOMAIN" --agree-tos --email "$LE_EMAIL"...
@finlamit Renewal renewal automatically renewed each week with cronjob. It will apply to both if you change as I mentioned:
@jackwill99 @raunak-many-ac i saw this package: support both ios and android, hope can help you.