Ken Friis Larsen

Results 16 comments of Ken Friis Larsen

There is now a stop-gap implementation of `Word64` on the `devel` branch. Is there anything in particular that you need, or is the stop-gap implementation good enough for your needs?

Thanks for checking. The flaws you have found are mostly why I call it a stop-gap implementation, fixing them are a more invasive chance than what I'd like right now....

The `devel` branch now contains a stop-gap implementation of `Int64` as well. Again, the implementation does not follow the Basic Library spec 100% Let me know if something crucial is...

Thanks for the report. I'm afraid all the installers have fallen behind. The right solution for Ubuntu would be an up-to-date PPA. However, if the .deb works on current systems,...

Nice catch. Thanks for the report.

It is high on the fixing list, currently I'm trying to find out how to report this as a false positive to McAfee (which is the approach I've been recommended...

The recommended way to install Moscow ML on a system using Homebrew is to use the formula in the gist Alas, I cannot easily get this formula into Homebrew,...

That sound strange. My main platform for developing Moscow ML these days are OSX, but maybe I have polluted/enhanced my local setup. Can you give me a bit more information...

It sound like you have a modified version of `src/runtime/gc_ctrl.c` (*), please check that you are using the [`gc_ctrl.c` from github](../blob/master/src/runtime/gc_ctrl.c) (*) At one point we had a hard to...

Another example (executed in a non-UTC time-zone): ``` - Date.offset(Date.fromTimeLocal(; > val it = NONE : time option ```