Ricky Curtice

Results 19 issues of Ricky Curtice

This feature allows the user to specify the base tag from which to scan for version tags, allowing for tooling like standard-version to pull the previous version from some other...

Previously, as shown in #542, using both options at the same time resulted in the bump file's version being set to null. This was validated in the first of the...

Digging though the commit history didn't show any reason why this should exist. Reading the code didn't readily indicate any reason it should exist. It's existence meant I couldn't _cleanly_...

### Pull Request check-list - [yep] Does `npm run test` or `npm run test-DIALECT` pass with this change (including linting)? - [yep] Does the description below contain a link to...

My use case: I would like to be able to use act to be the runner for a set of unit tests around my Actions workflow - preferably without having...


Looks like Umzug isn't handling the renaming of the inbound filename terribly well. I could make the "error" go away by adding the flag it mentions, but that just masks...

# This is a Bug Report ## Description The command `npx sls deploy --conceal` with the following environment variables set failed with the titular error message. After some hacking and...

Example that works fine in the Mongo Shell in Azure Portal, but fails in the scrapbook with a syntax error: ```mongosh db.my_collection.find({ "_id": { "$lt": ObjectId.fromDate(new Date("2022-08-04")) } }).count(); ```...

I'd PR it myself, but a bit busy ATM and not sure about how alive this project is yet. :) In principle it should be good enough to copy the...

Previously the bump suggestion and changelog generation ignored the version discovered by the code and did their own base version discovery - often times getting it wrong. This PR requires...