Keyvan M. Sadeghi

Results 13 issues of Keyvan M. Sadeghi

Hi @jmar777, Nice plug-in you have here! I was wondering if it is possible to expand the 'kwicks-selected' element to fill the entire window. I've tried .kwicks > li.kwicks-selected {...

Just musing: ```ts interface Pattern { (matcher: (string | Macro | Pattern)[]): Pattern; resolve(callback: (parsed: string[]) => S): Pattern; convert(descriptor): Pattern; fromString(string: string): Parsable; } interface Parsable { parse: ()...

Parent issue: #7

Parent issue: #7

Parent issue: #7

RFC and implementation for a first draft of `asst` CLI.

I just found out about BadWolf, here's their query language: It's interesting that they too have tried to come up with a SQL-like language. Was wondering if there were...


@keithluchtel @ghorbani-m This is an untested attempt with: ``` git remote add monorepo [email protected]:functionland/apps-monorepo.git git pull monorepo main --allow-unrelated-histories ```

Had [a cool chat]( with @Roman-Uholnikov about an AWS backend implementation. Below is my general suggestion on the structure for adding multiple backends, @ehsan6sha please chime in and advice if...