
Results 15 comments of kewp

I've made a start on this. It was actually quite a lot easier than expected.

I'd like to use `forward.hpp` but I find it a bit trickier to use... Thanks for taking a look!

About forward mode: If I understand correctly, in forward mode you calculate the derivative of a _function_ rather than a variable. So ```cpp dual u = f(x); // the output...

To further illustrate, here is some code I am using in reverse mode: ```cpp var w = energy(m, D); VectorXvar u(2*m.nn); int i; for (i=0; i

Oh I should mention I'm running on a Mac

Ok so since Jekyll 3.5.0 you have to change the `_config.yml` to ``` plugins: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-gist ``` i.e. not `gem` !

I've thought of a solution to this issue in the interim, for anyone coming here - hashing. What I can do is hash the contents, the value, of the kv...

Hi, thanks for this, having the same issue trying to use Typescript with echarts. I'm still getting an error when trying to access a variable called `axisValue`. ``` Property 'axisValue'...

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding something but I'm also getting this type error (given the solution above): ``` Type '{ trigger: "axis"; axisPointer: { type: "shadow"; }; formatter: (params: CallbackDataParams[]) =>...