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A fast responsive, machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots, written in Go.

Results 4 chatbot issues
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Hello, I am working on trying out your chat bot and would like to download your 120 million conversations to run them as well. Where can I download them? Thanks

您好,我不知道是什么原因,看起来无法正常读取yaml数据集。不知道是否是我的使用方式有问题? ai.yaml 是[chatterbot-corpus](的。在Mac上和Windows上的使用效果是一样的,都是这样无法读取。 ``` D:\VsCode\Go\chatbot\cli\train>go run train.go -i ai.yaml Loading corpora... Creating Q/A mappings... Building indexes... Elapsed: 3.0005ms D:\VsCode\Go\chatbot\cli\train>ls ai.yaml corpus.gob train.go D:\VsCode\Go\chatbot\cli\train>cd ../ask D:\VsCode\Go\chatbot\cli\ask>go run ask.go -c D:/VsCode/Go/chatbot/cli/train/corpus.gob Q:...

想问下,能不能把数据存储放到es 中