Kevin Watters

Results 12 comments of Kevin Watters

I used Camera.CalculateFrustumCorners to deal with the different VR setups--OpenVR has oblique frustums, and the difference between single-pass and multi-pass is tricky too. [Check out this gist I extracted from...

A pull request would be great. Either way, looks like great work!

since setuptools isn't in stdlib, do you think it's worth asking people to get it elsewhere? my goal with the released zipfile is for it to just work(tm)...I'm not that...

Sorry, this fork is entering retirement! You may wish to check

I can't reproduce this problem. Which OS do you use? What is the output from your :version in vim?

This annoys me too, but I'm not 100% sure how to generalize it into something that doesn't miss actual errors. But yeah: imports that are inside a try/except ImportError: block...

Odin has changed a bit since I worked on these bindings. I've got the generator fixed up in 84986d7d502f39542a22b6741f45f0ad272b35da but still have some work to do on the generated code,...

`odin run examples\simple_demo` and `odin run examples\bunnymark` works now! Still fixing up the live reload demo, which is the big complicated DLL-boundary crossing one.

You've got it right--this project helps you link to the Raylib libraries, and use the functions in it--and the bindings have to be rebuilt for new functions.

I was implementing some live reload-like-features for shaders on the Lua side. i.e., if a shader's text has changed, then we just reload the world. But perhaps that's the kind...