Kevin Schaich

Results 17 issues of Kevin Schaich

1. Add a comment to your `mintable.jsonc`: ``` { ... // my comment property: [...], .... } ``` 2. Run `mintable account-setup` and add an account 3. Comments get removed...

Help Wanted

Adding Pyspark, as well as a quick reference guide to common patterns & functions.

Quick reference guide to common patterns & functions in PySpark.


It would be really nice if these gave the same thing: ``` >>> parse_address('123 maple dr') [('123', 'house_number'), ('maple dr', 'road')] >>> parse_address('123 maple drive') [('123', 'house_number'), ('maple drive', 'road')]...

The blog post in the readme is out of date. This is what I've had to do so far.

Added teacher dashboard, restyled student dashboard, add google drive API logic for interfacing with Pyret AppData and distributing assignments. ![screen shot 2017-05-01 at 1 12 27 pm]( ![screen shot 2017-05-01...

Spent a few hours on this today & hoping I can save someone else the trouble in the future / perhaps we can improve the docs. I was struggling to...

e.g. I have: ```javascript const myObject = { a: { b: { c: 1000 } } } ``` Can I somehow tell anime that I want 'c' to change? via...

I've tried several versions of the `max_feature_count` parameter in the configuration and can't get it to work. Abridged config: ```yaml listen_addresses: '' postgres: connection_string: postgresql://postgres:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@$POSTGRES_HOST:$POSTGRES_PORT/$POSTGRES_DB # Limit the number of...
