Kelvin Mugendi
Kelvin Mugendi
## Bug report ### Describe the bug Admin routes like` /customers, /products, /orders` have a cors error ### System information Medusa version (including plugins): Node.js version: v20.11.1 Database: Postgres Operating...
**Describe the bug** When using a currency like KES it is somehow not recognized like other currencies. Once you delete the cursor comes in between K and ES causing issues....
## Bug report ### Describe the bug I had extended the allowed fields for store to include additional fields like `imports.allowedStoreProductsFields = [ ...imports.allowedStoreProductsFields, "store_id", "store.store_handle", "", "store.store_logo", "store.store_cover", ];`...
I keep getting error `An error occurred while processing paystack.webhook_event: Error: Paystack Payment error: Failed to authorize payment:` when a payment is made. On v1.3.0 At times the payment is...