Kevin Clancy
Kevin Clancy
### Describe the issue: The IR generated for calls to the `code` function uses a reference variable for its lvalue. The lvalue should instead be a `TMP` variable because it...
This fixes [issue 1913]( Previously, when performing an assignment whose variables were originally declared in a tuple-based declaration, the projection components were reused: ``` function test() external returns(int) { (int...
Running tlc on the following code generates no errors. ``` interface Test x : snuffleupagus end ```
### Describe the issue: Slither doesn't distinguish between type expressions, of which `uint[NUM_PHASES]` is a member, and types, of which `uint[NUM_PHASES]` is not a member but `uint[3]` is. This causes...
### Describe the issue: When we print slithir for the following source file: ``` contract Test { function test() external { int[] memory a = new int[](5); } } ```...
The following code: ``` let create_countries = let country_alias_length = 3 in [%rapper execute {sql| CREATE TABLE countries( id int PRIMARY KEY, alias char( %int{country_alias_length} ), name char(20), time_created timestamp,...
When I call `Raygui.text_box bounds text edit_mode` the result will append the byte `0` onto `text` even if no key has been pressed. I can work around this by trimming...