Kévin Chalet

Results 42 issues of Kévin Chalet

### Confirm you've already contributed to this project or that you sponsor it - [X] I confirm I'm a sponsor or a contributor ### Describe the solution you'd like https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-rpinitiated-1_0.html#RPLogout...


_Discussion for the [Introducing the OpenIddict client](https://kevinchalet.com/2022/02/25/introducing-the-openiddict-client/) blog post._ ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6998306/155802825-74a157bc-621d-4aeb-9cc0-ce053129760d.png)

client stack

### Confirm you've already contributed to this project or that you sponsor it - [X] I confirm I'm a sponsor or a contributor ### Describe the solution you'd like https://github.com/aspnet-contrib/AspNet.Security.OAuth.Providers...

client stack
web providers

### Confirm you've already contributed to this project or that you sponsor it - [X] I confirm I'm a sponsor or a contributor ### Describe the solution you'd like Currently,...

client stack

### Confirm you've already contributed to this project or that you sponsor it - [X] I confirm I'm a sponsor or a contributor ### Describe the solution you'd like Currently,...

server stack

The good old `OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware` - that heavily inspired ASOS and OpenIddict - had a `ValidateClientAuthentication` event that was dedicated to client authentication validation. In ASOS and OpenIddict 3.x, this event...

server stack

The following classes will need to be adapted from 2.x: - https://github.com/openiddict/openiddict-core/blob/2.0.1/test/OpenIddict.Server.Tests/OpenIddictServerBuilderTests.cs - https://github.com/openiddict/openiddict-core/blob/2.0.1/test/OpenIddict.Server.Tests/OpenIddictServerExtensionsTests.cs - https://github.com/openiddict/openiddict-core/blob/2.0.1/test/OpenIddict.Server.Tests/Internal/OpenIddictServerConfigurationTests.cs (for that one, we should remove the dependency on `TestServer` and make it a...

help wanted
server stack

In OpenIddict 1.x/2.x, authorization and logout requests were serialized to BSON and stored in the distributed cache. In 3.x, this logic was changed and these requests are now stored as...

help wanted
server stack

Both the aspnet-contrib validation/introspection handlers and OpenIddict have a ton of functional tests that rely on ASP.NET Core's `TestServer`. As part of the 3.0 effort, we'll need to progressively bring...

help wanted
validation stack

Both ASOS and OpenIddict have a ton of functional tests that rely on ASP.NET Core's `TestServer`. As part of the 3.0 effort, we'll need to progressively bring them back: -...

server stack