Results 17 issues of kevin

Example: - [ ] ActionMenu - [ ] Alert - [ ] AutocompleteInput - [ ] Box - [ ] Button - [ ] ButtonGroup - [ ] ButtonPlain...

We could get inspired / follow Polaris' example by combining our tabs with our dropdown or other component. Large screen/space: ![screen shot 2018-07-18 at 10 25 57]( Small screen/space: ![screen...

✨ Enhancement
💻 Developing...

## Overview Some apps require the icon arrow right. ## Context ![alt text]( "Logo Title Text 1") from at my-orders (cc @bivillar)

- [ ] ActionMenu - [x] Alert - [ ] AutocompleteInput - [x] Box - [ ] Button - [ ] ButtonGroup - [ ] ButtonPlain - [ ] ButtonWithIcon...

## Overview @clarammdantas needs a cohorts chart for her project. ## Examples ![Screen Shot 2020-01-22 at 12 16 57](

✨ Enhancement
Design Needed
🆕 New Component

**Describe the bug** Not a bug but rather a lack of native feature. It would be a better UX if our simple select would use the native html element select...

We need to communicate more about the Styleguide to let people know at VTEX that effort is constantly being put into this project and that is important and relevant. Next...


The aim of this issue is to register any breaking change that we will apply to the new iteration of Styleguide to ONDA. - Move all `id` attributes to key...

Next Major

## Overview Many admins have the feature of uploading/reading a csv file, showing the parsed result, processing the result via an api and displaying a result onto the page afterwards....

⚠️ Help Wanted
Design System

The Dropzone component is missing documentation. cc @rsimoens

⚠️ Help Wanted