
Results 10 issues of Kévin

#### Bug, feature request, or proposal: Bug Plunk: https://plnkr.co/edit/qyKDATOdTb0msRnYjbbe?p=preview (thanks @julianobrasil) Use multiple `` and `` imbricated => lost the underline on active `` This is an example: ``` //...

area: material/tabs

Hi I didn't found in the doc something about this problem, or maybe it's me but is it possible to force at least one item to be checked in the...

Hi @paradoxxxzero I think the docker ( auto) is not updated since 1 year and a lot of things has changed (V2). Is it possible that you create your own...

Hi I read all the documentation. I think I understood a lot of things as have two instances of the docker-openvpn to have two protocol / port different BUT I...

Hi It's just to give my firsts feedback about the application recently bought. It's really nice, I like it globally, nice work! However, I have some remarks. 1) the application...

Hi I got this issue with the latest version of the plugin. Exactly this picture `onboarding-flow-mfa-1.jpg` can't be minify. The path is correct, there are 26 pictures before this error...

Hi Look this example: ``` Toggle navigation Brand Page 1 Page 2 ``` lang.component.html: ``` FR EN ``` It's seems, it's not possible to apply a ripple on the ``...

Hi I really don't know how to manage with it ( inotifywait ) This is my current shell script ``` inotifywait -m -r -e create -e moved_to --include "^.*(txt|docx)$" --format...

Hi I would like to know if Ng5+ will be support as well ? :) Thank you

Hi I'm currently running your docker. I'm not sure where the issue comes from. This is what I have. It's seems starts but not sure everything is working well when...