Well Honey
Well Honey
# 编辑文件/etc/iproute2/rt_tables,加入100 lanvpn 卡在这一步了,rt_tables只读而且没法修改权限,哪怕是root,提示Read-only file system。 看了下etc/iproute2/文件夹是指向/rom/iproute2/的,而/rom/内容完全是只读的,尽管权限是755。 请问有什么办法解决或者替代吗。。 固件自带的路由表 cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables 100 wan0 111 ovpnc1 112 ovpnc2 113 ovpnc3 114 ovpnc4 115 ovpnc5 200 wan1 / / / / /...
Device : Dell Inspiron 7590 with JHL6540 By using this clover config i can get my external GPU working as an PCIE device before. https://github.com/tctien342/Dell-Inspiron-7591-Hackintosh/tree/ca2112a33a55feb609679138c528210058dc3833/EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched [ioreg.zip](https://github.com/osy86/ThunderboltReset/files/5001774/ioreg.zip) I'm trying to follow...