Kevin Coyle
Kevin Coyle
Why not try node-webkit instead? It has the facility to run shell scripts and the interface can be made with HTML CSS and JS
Sure I could look into it. Unless there's someone more experienced with node and node-webkit than me. I've never made anything production quality in it...yet!
I think with .NET being open sourced now this may actually be a lot easier than previous.
The build errors when compiling on Xamarin on OSX with mono 4.0.1 are related to `System.Windows.Automation` not being found on my system. I think mono has that library. Maybe someone...
I had a slightly different solution. Instead I opted for a CSS filter. Here's my results:  ``` @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { trix-toolbar .trix-button { filter: invert(); } trix-editor {...
Yeah I'm getting `Unable to initialize cache key for context using access token` Is it expecting a JWT or something?
Just came across an issue where this fix would have been nice. Any ETA on when it can be merged in?