Kevin Carroll
Kevin Carroll
Hey Sergio, Your request makes plenty of sense. From a specification perspective, the variables are binding to the fields of the graph type on the schema (i.e. the fields of...
Hey @hanssywong , Yes support for newtonsoft is possible. There is some refactoring that needs to be done (especially for inputs) to support it but it is very possible. I...
Hey @ParadiseFallen , Great question! The feature you're quoting from hot chocolate is an implementation of the [Cursor Connections specification]( This library does not yet support that spec. There is...
If you're just looking to implement a custom pagination solution there are a number of ways to go about it. **Simple Solution:** At a minimum you'd want to accept arguments...
I'm not sure I follow you. There isn't a valid scenario where you can return an `IQueryable` to the graphql engine that it would accept as anything other than an...
Hey @HallisCode thanks for reaching out! GraphQL is strongly typed, it has to know what the expected return type of any field is going to be at compile time. This...
Hey pgaule, I appreciate the kind words, thank you! To your question, its not something I had considered initially. But there is no reason that should stop us!. I'll put...
Hey @LouisMT , Currently, no, its not possible to influence that name. It's on the roadmap though. There are some nuances to deal with the naming of the intermediate types...
Hey @ryzam , Thanks for the kind words. In regards to auto-generating controllers, its not something that I had considered. What did you have in mind in terms of functionality?...
Hey @ropez ! Tricky scenario to be sure. I don't know if I can offer a solution but perhaps some insight. TL;DR: There isn't an easy solution to this but...