**Help needed to run this annotator**. Thanks in advance >**Error**: Can't walk dependency graph: Cannot find module './config/backend.js' from '/home/zeb/Documents/jang/partnet_anno_system/client/part_hier_annotator.js' required by /home/zeb/Documents/jang/partnet_anno_system/client/part_hier_annotator.js at /home/zeb/.nvm/versions/node/v17.3.0/lib/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:158:35 at load (/home/zeb/.nvm/versions/node/v17.3.0/lib/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:177:43) at onex...
[2022-01-01T21_06_05_295Z-debug.log]( I got a problem on "npm start". I have attached the log file. Kindly help me in this. >0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose...
Need some help *2021-12-21T20_46_52_471Z-debug.log* >0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'start' ] 2 info using [email protected] 3 info using [email protected] 4...
Hello, hope you are doing well. My question is, how can I convert the input structure of partnet dataset of any 3-D Object into format which you have used in...
Hello, hope you are doing well. My question is, how can I convert the input structure of partnet dataset of any 3-D Object into format which you have used in...