Jordan Gensler

Results 19 comments of Jordan Gensler

I just ran into this issue as well. The `output.path` is set to a value, but when using `webpack-dev-server` it ignores it.

I'm not sure how to do this without patching webpack itself. Webpack2 added error handling to `require.ensure`, but it was never added to the 1.x branch.

I think converting to a class component might be the best option here. cc @lencioni, do you think that would cause any issues?

@lencioni We accept arbitrary props at the top level to customize the svg. Could we just use PureComponent?

@andyrichardson I no longer use this plugin, as I don’t think this kind of build-step magic is really good anymore. I’ve moved to using something like SVGR to generate full...

@Zaggen This looks great, any chance you can rebase on master?

Yeah this is a plugin ordering issue, and I don't know a good way to resolve it.

While it's safe, I think I'd prefer no-plugins by default, and allow people to opt-in to plugins they want.

I just personally prefer having it be a cleaner zero-opinion pass-through to SVGO.

I've changed my mind on this, I think having sane defaults included in the plugin would be great.