Felix Benjamin Kern
Felix Benjamin Kern
I guess `metadata` wouldn't *have* to be a dictionary, right? You could just leave it up to the user whether that's a string, or a dict, or anything else. Then...
Cuda toolkit 11.3 GCC -- I may have inadvertently used v10 here... seems my update-alternatives weren't up to date. FAISS -- building from source.
Got my build issues under control and can confirm that FAISS v1.6.5 does not have this issue.
Brian2GeNN currently uses a dedicated RNG per synapse: ```c++ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numSpikesInBlock; j++) { // only work on existing neurons if (lid < group->rowStride)...
Yeah, that's right. PoissonInput objects need this; it's currently [implemented in support code](https://github.com/brian-team/brian2genn/blob/master/brian2genn/binomial.py), so I can't easily port it to the GeNN RNG either.
No need to hurry. The model that gave the initial impetus for this effort is covered with just the per-neuron RNGs. Everything else is nice-to-have, takes work away from any...
Can confirm the noted error on brian2genn==1.6, but it works on `master`. @marco-cyt, you'll want to clone this repo, cd into it, and `pip install -e .` it.
I see. In that case, I'll probably hack something in just to cover my particular case in a draft, and if there's a lot more to do, I'll let the...
- Seeds are still generated and considered part of model state.