What kind of effort would be required to retrieve process level metrics? Is there an alternative method people are using to retrieve cpu, memory, etc. for ruby apps?
Thanks for this PR! This seems like a rare edge case and I worry that it's going to create more confusion than benefit. I'm going to leave it open for...
Thanks guys, this has been merged into 5.1.0.
Hi David, That sounds interesting. Would you like to take a stab at it?
Eh. Looks like you already did. I'll take a look soon. Sorry for the delay.
I completely agree. Having that extra dependency in there has bothered me for quite some time. Let me know if you'd like to tackle this. I'm open to your suggestions...
I actually like the idea of using the adapter pattern. Could we not require gems that extend this library to implement an agreed upon method e.g. `get`? Guard does this...
Hmm, what if only the Parallel adapter implemented the `enqueue` and `flush` methods? This way those methods would return a `NoMethodError` if `client.class == MixpanelData`. E.g. client = 'secret')...
Hi Mikhail, I appreciate the update. No worries!! It's been on my mind to work on it too but sometimes life has other plans. :D This month has been especially...
That seems reasonable. Would you like to take a stab at it?