Nguyen Dat
Nguyen Dat
First i'm sorry for my English if it is very bad. ### 1. Config - Need a config for default value for units (px,pt,rem,...). ### 2. Margin and Padding -...
I'm try use search in when but this throw exception `BadMethodCallException` . $campaign = Campaign::when($search, function ($q, $search) { $q->search($search); })->get();
I use scss file to style but in file style has comment (import from node_modules) and it throw error 
I want to use VBA Project in net core 2.2 but it throws error `NET Core doesn't support SignedCms yet.` ###Mycode ``` ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(); var sheet =...
### Description Batch Update in EF Core with pgsql throw exception `column reference "Id" is ambiguous` My Code ```` await db.Customers .Where(x => lstIds.Contains(x.Id)) .UpdateAsync(x => new Customer{ Status =...
Hi. My website recently error with audito time > 1 hour. Playlist always stop at 1:00:00 [playlist here](
I'm try this query with playground. Array variable only get first index and variables after it use value of array. Query ``` using SqlKata.Extensions; var test1 = "test1"; var test2...