Kent Hinson

Results 11 comments of Kent Hinson

> Just for later reference, Android doesn't support this feature at all as [referenced on the docs]( This means that either the user has the ability to pick multiple files...

@miguelpruivo I'm curious what your thoughts are on my proposed solution? Thanks for your time.

> Hey @gdombiak, found out that it works through terminal. Have to try some other workarounds to find the best solution. > Ist would still be nice to implement the...

@deakjahn Would you be willing to make your repo public so I can look at your changes? This feature is of interest to me.

@deakjahn thank You for uploading the code. It will help me learn for sure :)

@endigo this feature is something I will need for a project I’m working on. I could just use the code @deakjahn provided as is. However this is a long term...

@natebosch I am having the same issue. http on MacOS desktop. You can reproduce by trying to do a while wifi is off on the laptop. I am unable...

I would love this as well. Just like youtube app on iPad does. It will also need to resize the center view instead of pushing off screen.

have you tried self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = NO;

if installed already from a old version of home-brew then `brew untap homebrew/dupes` after that `brew install binutils coreutils automake wget gawk libtool help2man gperf gnu-sed grep`