@fengzhongfeixu @nicolaszhang do you have examples of libraries that are able to track spark column lineage?
> Looks like you missed supplying the application properties file. This is partially correct. As per the readme, the `` needs to be discoverable by spark. ie - needs to...
I'm getting the same problem here. tried using "maxRowsinMemory" with values like 1000, 10000, 100000. It works fine for the first 3 excel files but I have 8 to process...
I unfortunately can't get a scrubbed excel for you since it's on a client laptop. the code is simple. I only read in one excel at a time with a...
> You can mount ADLS on Databricks and use it as local storage. That is the right way to use ADLS in Databricks. @vijayinani not true. this is dependent on...
This feature was working for me up until 2 days ago when I restarted my phone. I have no idea what happened. Live activities is enabled in both app settings...