Kenny Yuan
Kenny Yuan
We're doing development on 64bit x64 Win/Linux/Mac... we don't have proof that rclnodejs works on other supported platforms yet.
The current stress benchmark case (e.g. client-stress) is more like a round trip benchmark, it measures the round trip starting from a `request` being sent to the `response` being received....
Array usage samples: ``` Searching 162 files for "[]" ros2_ws/ros2_source/src/ros2/common_interfaces/actionlib_msgs/msg/GoalStatusArray.msg: 2 # by an action server 3 std_msgs/Header header 4: GoalStatus[] status_list 5 ros2_ws/ros2_source/src/ros2/common_interfaces/diagnostic_msgs/msg/DiagnosticArray.msg: 1 # This message is used...
> op `auth` - optional authentication information can be passed via the rosbridge protocol to authenticate a client connection. This information should come from some trusted third-party authenticator. According to...
> - op: `fragment` - Messages may be fragmented if they are particularly large, or if the client requests fragmentation. A fragmented message has the following format: > - op:...
Case 1: Refresh browser as fast as you can, you'll hit this ``` events.js:160 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: read ECONNRESET at exports._errnoException (util.js:949:11) at TCP.onread (net.js:563:26)...