Kenneth L Anderson
Kenneth L Anderson
The following defines need to be included where best located: NO LONGER VALID, SEE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH #define LED_BUILTIN 12 #define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS 14 #define u8 uint8_t #define u16 uint16_t Due to...
I notice there are options of 0K, 1K, 2K, 4K 8K for EEPROM size. Thankfully the default is 1K and I'm happy with that in my current project, but how...
I'm unable to achieve operation of serial communications via Serial class without forcing a delay of like 10 seconds in the setup() section. This also causes a connection error in...
The following line in boards.txt needs to have the backslash changed to the Linux-style forward slash: xi.bootloader.file=lgt8fx8e/optiboot_lgt8f328d.hex