
Results 14 comments of kennedyjosh

> to include a given library from gpb, you only need to declare them as `-include_lib("gpb/include/name_of_file.hrl").` and by having it in deps, the project will find them. There should be...

I created a reproducible example here:

I was hoping for an alternative method, as that file is auto-generated by gpb. To make that change, I would have to go and edit gpb's behavior...

Thanks for all the feedback. I was able to solve the issue by adding `{i, "_build/default/lib/dep/include/proto"}` to the erl_opts in the dependency's rebar.config. This seems like more of a band-aid...

I'm not 100% sure, but I think this might be due to the function `_python_argcomplete_` ending with my script's path, which includes `/` chars. I looked at the line in...

Just after posting this I had a thought and tried calling the `ansible-playbook` command directly from within the virtual env, skipping over python and cli script. The error still occurs.

> This is likely the same problem discussed in You can try setting OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES as suggested in that discussion. I noticed that issue when researching the problem. Unfortunately, that...

I was just able to solve the issue by deleting and re-installing the virtual environment. I'm still not sure what the underlying cause was.