Ken Irwin
Ken Irwin
updated two broken links in the README file
enhancing Curved Lines support: differentiating between "real" datapoints and interpolated spline points (as described in #122, but defaulting to not display. I would have built this into the original Curved...
I'd like to a configuration option that would affect the implementation of the curvedLines plugin. Because the CL plugin creates lots of interpolated points in between the real/known points that...
Rails 3?
Hi folks, I notice that in your readings for Phase 3, you list the Rails 3 Way. I also notice that the CodeSchool Rails tutorials are on Rails 4, and...
Hi -- I'm trying to get my first Evergreen installation to run with a simple test, and I'm stuck. I hope you can help. When I got to, I...
I've working with Datamaps, and I just went to go test my code on an iPhone for the first time. I'm finding that clicking on a country on a mobile...
Hi folks -- working through your great tutorial, I experimented with adding background tiles to the map, but when I go to export the SVG file, the data-layer is the...
Longinus is the soldier said to have pierce the side of Jesus during the crucifixion. Per Wikidata, he is believed to have both been born and to have died in...
Is there a way to connect this to a data source (db, json, api, etc) so you can either lookup and re-use existing tags or enter a new one?
from EBSCO: