Wah Loon Keng

Results 45 comments of Wah Loon Keng

gotta run will look again evening if it's still erroring, thanks for ur patience

great to see u made progress :) The error would be from the socket failing to post to python, the process needs start in python3 (cuz of some encoding error...

oh just start a new terminal session to install Conda, it's [from this](https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/install/linux.html). You're on linux right? Try to install conda first with: ``` curl -O https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh ```...

rerunning the setup file is fine, it only updates on existing ones. The bottom of [this issue](https://github.com/kengz/aiva/issues/22) had similar encounter with socketIO, might be worthwhile to look. Meanwhile let's debug...

could u update `spacy-nlp` to v1.0.8? There's a recent patch in the logger to print thee error log from python better. Would help debugging this

yeah it's `websocket`. Have u tried installing it in a virtualenv and running it in it too?

hmm does it throw any error when u run from `npm run debug`? Or just quietly fail? Is `ROCKETCHAT_AUTH` required? Saw it on the [page](https://github.com/RocketChat/hubot-rocketchat) yep as much as I'd...

Reopening the issue, would love to take a look at it when I can

sequelize was likely not ran, hence the missing DBs. Solutions: - the version of `node` needs to be at least `6`, - and by any chance if your python is...