Wah Loon Keng
Wah Loon Keng
Yes I can do this ``` var deepqlearn = require(__dirname+'/../node_modules/convnetjs/build/deepqlearn.js') ``` but then the deepqlearn wouldn't recognize its neighbor in `node_modules/convnetjs` ``` /Users/kengz/Google Drive/Quiver/node_modules/convnetjs/build/deepqlearn.js:98 this.value_net = new convnetjs.Net(); ^ ReferenceError:...
Yeah node.js has a slightly different way of importing dependencies. A quick and dirty solution is to simply go into `node_modules/convnetjs/build/deepqlearn.js` manually and add these two lines at the top:...
@SimplyY If by that you mean if it can run like an efficient program on Java/C++, then yes. Nodejs is a complete and performant language like Python. I just wanted...
This is for the ADX feature. Encountered the same issue, here are the logs ``` # /Users/XXX/miniconda3/envs/XX/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ta/trend.py:768: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars # dip[i] = 100 * (self._dip[i] /...
Putting these out there as a temporary solution: [`flattenJSON`](http://kengz.me/lomath/#flattenJSON) and [`unflattenJSON`](http://kengz.me/lomath/#unflattenJSON) to save and retrieve properties.
Hi @yangysc , thanks for testing the RNN. The shared network from the spec `ppo_rnn_shared_cartpole` works slightly better because there are less hyperparameters to run. It yields slightly better results:...
Hi @bahaTRKGLU I have looked at evolutionary methods a little, but the main challenge is the API. The lab is able to implement all the algorithms within a shared framework...
Unfortunately there's no plan to do so and we the authors are quite occupied, but I'll mark this as help wanted for anyone who wishes to take it on.
Hi sorry we don't officially support windows. But there's a guide made by a user for windows could you please try with that and see? https://slm-lab.gitbook.io/slm-lab/setup/installation
On second look, looks like you're running in a bash shell. I suspect this is due to the version of ray. Could you share the output of: ```bash conda activate...