Tadayuki Onishi

Results 30 issues of Tadayuki Onishi

According to https://circleci.com/gh/KrauseFx/xcode-install/106, it seems that the progress content is `nil`. The point is, the progress of the `curl` command is not on standard output. But this test is fine...

- Verify sign of components in Xcode.app You can see accurate diff on https://github.com/kenchan0130/xcode-install/compare/hard_verify_xcode...verify_xcode_components because this patch is done checkout from #312. related #298

Currently, this tool does not verify Xcode.app and component packages signature. The `install` subcommand can use the `--url` option. I think that it is better to consider the possibility that...

I wanted to confirm that Autoupdate.app is processing. So, I run a script with command line like: ```bash /path/to/Autoupdate.app/Contents/MacOS/Autoupdate /Applications/xxx.app /Applications/xxx.app "processId" "MyApp Folder" 0 0 ``` However, it seemed...

Please kindly sign released binary. It seems that textlint.app has no missing sign (I used https://github.com/textlint/textlint-app/releases/download/v1.4.1/textlint-app-1.4.1-mac.zip). Because of this, I cannot install it by Gatekeeper to my machine due to...

Help wanted

This issue was moved from https://github.com/kenchan0130/jekyll-target-blank/issues/10. #### The behavior I'm seeking is: - All external links open in a new window - All external links get noopner and noreferrer -...


blog hubに載る記事はblog hubとは異なるドメインであることがほとんどです。 そのため、blog hub自体の回遊性を上げるために、記事は新しいタブで開くのが良いと考えました。

## Purpose Support cases like https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/pull/119 and https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/pull/110. ## Depends on https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/pull/121 Thank you for your contribution @ecanault, @cubandave.

We innovated https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/pull/109 patches. However, we don't have the document about helper tools. And we have a next action at https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/pull/109#discussion_r283191102. I hope that the Readme will update it.

## Motivation Sometimes we may have various problems. In some cases it depends on your environment. I think that this will increase the probability that the problem will be solved...