Thanks Colum, Im under way too much at this time to carve out a repo on this. My apologies. Things just got shutdown because of this lapse in functionality with...
> To me it almost sounds like you want a child router-outlet that should load the contents of a side-nav page. I already have that Colum, see above. The MFE...
The only thing I can spot inside nxconsole that might be something but I think im wrong `@nrwl/angular:host` is this parameter below ``` dynamic boolean Default: false Should the host...
Okay I will provide that... but this discussion has a repo asking for this very thing too just for reference thanks Colum
Here is the app.module for remote named **/remote-nav** ``` @NgModule({ declarations: [AppComponent], imports: [ BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, RouterModule.forRoot( [ { path: '', canActivate: [AuthenticatedGuard, RoleGuard], loadChildren: () => import('./remote-entry/entry.module').then( (m) =>...
and here is his entrymodule ``` @NgModule({ declarations: [], imports: [ CommonModule, RouterModule.forChild([ { path: '', canActivate: [AuthenticatedGuard], loadChildren: () => import('@wexinc/shared-root-ui-components').then( (m) => m.ComponentsModule ), }, ]), ], providers:...
Okay I will provide that... but this discussion has a repo asking for this very thing too just for reference thanks Colum
> We view Federated apps as one single app, so there should only be one router. It's set up as a singleton across all places. So if your child routing...
So the lazy loaded Navigation module should have an empty index route of single quotes as follows just like a lazy loaded feature module ` path: '',` and your saying...
Our goal is to also be able to alter the url by hand and enter REST urls like ``` http://localhost:4200/user/1 http://localhost:4200/user/2 http://localhost:4200/user ```