Kelvin S. do Prado

Results 17 comments of Kelvin S. do Prado

Excelentes sugestões @hansbonini, se tiver disponibilidade e quiser contribuir fique à vontade, toda contribuição é bem vinda 😁

Sorry, there is currently no way to identify which data corresponds to each group. It would be great to use different color to each group/data point but I'm not actively...

Hello @mh-cbon, thanks a lot for your contribution to the project. Can you please just fix the indentation? For example: ```sql CREATE DATABASE rest_api_example; USE rest_api_example; CREATE TABLE users (...

Hello @AthanatiusC, I don't think it is possible right now. The "trained model" (the histograms calculated) is stored by the [trainingData]( variable, but this is an unexported identifier. I believe...

@Kogam22, this project was initially developed for study purposes and I haven't thought about model serialization. I believe we could keep the model state by saving/loading the `trainingData` variable.

Hello @Ashwani21, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to implement it now but I will take a look at the 'local texture descriptors' as soon as...

1. What happens if you just create an `example.go` without any references to gallium - does that build and run? Yes, it does. I have tried with the following code...

Hi, thanks for pointing this out. I wrote this code a long time ago and I'm not using it anymore. Anyway, feel free to open a PR to include this...

Olá @Alfredo-Paes, valeu por abrir a issue. Pessoalmente eu não tenho experiência com Kotlin mas se tivermos pessoas dispostas a contribuir com algoritmos nessa linguagem eu sou a favor de...