Kelsey Hightower

Results 8 issues of Kelsey Hightower

Given that it's not safe to run Vault without TLS enabled all of these example should be using TLS, even if it's self-signed certs. Outside of dev mode people will...

Not every cluster will support building container images and hosting them "locally". It's much better to push containers to a "remote" registry so that they can be pulled into a...

Current getting the following issue on master: ``` Error from server: error when creating "output/cache-rc.yml": namespaces "${NAMESPACE}" not found Error from server: error when creating "output/cache-srv.yml": namespaces "${NAMESPACE}" not found...

Objects generated from docker-compose files should be stored in yaml files.

After some time we should consider contributing compose2kube upstream. But lets way to we have something pretty solid now.

Today we generate an output directory, which is an unnecessary since kubectl support multiple Kubernetes objects in a single file.

We need a doc that defines how we plan to handle docker links, volumes, and labels.

This change allows the iPXE server to locate profiles based on mac addresses, asset tags, and system IDs. ``` curl${net0/mac}&serial=${serial}&asset=${asset} ``` ``` 2015/01/23 01:39:37 creating boot script for