Dave Kellermanns
Dave Kellermanns
Ok, then let's fix that - and since talk is cheap, I'll get the ball rolling ... [9/25/2020, 08:11:48] [TplinkSmarthome] Error: TCP Timeout at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-tplink-smarthome/node_modules/tplink-smarthome-api/lib/network/tcp-socket.js:62:22) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17) at...
Patrick Thanks for the hard work - I installed 5.20 last night and so far no time-out issues - I do get the following message in the log (repeating itself...
Plus one from my side
Here it is: ``` if (count of recipient of theMessage) is greater than 0 then set toRcpt to email address of the first recipient of theMessage try set toName to...
I don't know why, but rebuilding the Outlook DB fixed my issue. On Jan 6, 2014, at 5:43 PM, "akacrm" wrote: I'm a pretty solid end-user, but not so sharp...