Kosta Eleftheriou
Kosta Eleftheriou
Thanks for the request! All developers can support FlickType in their apps. Just let the Messenger team know you’d like them to add it! :)
Hmm, does FlickType work normally in my app “Notes for Apple Watch” on the same device? https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1453148171
No worries, and thank you for the kind words! It seems that you might have specified an incorrect (placeholder?) return URL. Make sure this is an actual URL, and that...
Hi Ira, The simulator will always throw an error, since this type of app switching isn’t supported there for some reason. Please make sure to try this on a real...
Yes, I am using it on watchOS.
About half the time. Is this somehow specific to watchOS?
You mean instead of HTTPS? Is it possible to change the default transport used on watchOS? I’m currently using TdJson. Is the C++ TdStatic version any different in this regard?...
It appears this might have changed with watchOS 6, see here: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift/issues/1215 From the [watchOS 6 release notes](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/watchos-release-notes/watchos-6-release-notes): > [URLSessionWebSocketTask](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/urlsessionwebsockettask) and [URLSessionStreamTask](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/urlsessionstreamtask) are now available for use in watchOS apps....
Thanks. Is any of `URLSessionWebSocketTask` / `URLSessionStreamTask` / `URLSessionDataTask` technically sufficient for a Telegram client on watchOS, if one was willing to spend the time to make the necessary changes?...
I see. Then what are the implications of TDLib using HTTP transport on watchOS? Are there any security concerns or other downsides? And is there anything I can do to...