Keke Arif
Keke Arif
Thought it was fixed. However it's not working. Sometimes it gets callback and sometimes it doesn't seems random.
seems to be just on the simulator actually...
Also getting the same: `/Users/kekearif/Documents/MyCompany/MyApp/Tuist/.build/checkouts/firebase-ios-sdk/FirebaseSessions/Tests/TestApp/Shared/Assets.xcassets' is a directory, try using: '/Users/kekearif/Documents/MyCompany/MyApp/Tuist/.build/checkouts/firebase-ios-sdk/FirebaseSessions/Tests/TestApp/Shared/Assets.xcassets/**' to list its files` Tuist version is 4.9.0
@adilsal33m Hey, I'm tying to add a font myself. How did you generate the plist? I keep getting errors. I tried to generate the plist first with the included font...
I've managed to add the `\frown` symbol using `@"frown" : [MTMathAtom atomWithType:kMTMathAtomRelation value:@"\u2312"],` in `MTMathAtomFactory.m` not sure how to implement `\stackrel` though and make it float about a given symbol....
@kostub it wouldn't work if I just added a Chinese font as described by @AnZhg above?
@AnZhg This is amazing! Thank you so much for your work!
@AnZhg I was afraid I was going to have to use MathJax in a web view. Now I just gotta figure out getting the Chinese font rendering in the \{text}...
@AnZhg not sure why it was closed. But it works and it's what I'm using. Yeah if I was forced into using MathJax I'd also hide the main view while...
@AnZhg do you know if it's possible to use a different type of Chinese font? I'm wanting to use Arial Unicode MS. How exactly did you create the font file?...