G. Petrakis
G. Petrakis
You seem to have updated just the cli, try running `npm i -g npm-check-updates` `ncu -u` `npm install`
Hey , after fighting with this today for quite some time it all boils down to your service container setup , make sure your DI is setup correctly.
I'd be down to give this a try , tbh this project's deps have stayed quite a bit behind
consider installing the d3 dependencies seperately ` npm install d3 d3-array d3-brush d3-color d3-force d3-format d3-hierarchy d3-interpolate d3-scale d3-selection d3-shape d3-time-format --save-dev`
@CaerusKaru can this be added to the docs&demos project? Should I make a pr?
@BryanYin Yeah I've seen that one this was the core reason I built this because I thought a more dynamic demo was needed, its definately a great reference point tho
@CaerusKaru Thanks for your time! You shall see my pr this weekend!
Update on question 1. currently added the following code to the Register function (in the controller) before fetching the JWT , seems to be working `await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, "Customer");` with _userManager...
This commit was a life saver for me , should def be merged