Keith Moss
Keith Moss
A number of commands currently have file-based logging - and other users desire it as well - so Hodor should support file-based logging on top of writing to stdout. Ideally...
> Authentication storage mechanism doesn't seem good. Would like to see you prompt the user to open the link, paste in the response, and store/encrypt. Similar to the way gsutil...
``` Python http = httplib2.Http(proxy_info = httplib2.ProxyInfo(httplib2.socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP_NO_TUNNEL, '', 8080, proxy_user = '', proxy_pass = '') ) ``` Affected: - run_oauth2() - discovery_build() - Anything else that instantiates an httplib2 object....
Hi team, We're beginning to harvest more third party web GIS services into [Western Australia's CKAN]( and would like to surface them in NationalMap. Historically, you've only been surfacing data...