**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** a question about fleet update. it seems that the controller leaves GameServers in allocated state alone in the process of...
https://github.com/googleforgames/agones/blob/69efac2751b124ec3cf7e7d0ad97731195ff126d/pkg/gameserversets/gameserver_state_cache.go#L69-L72 when deletion timestamp detecd, the gs from list is the updated value, having newer version than d in pendingDeletion. so gs should be apended to the result in this...
Maybe this should be regarded as a question. I deployed open-webui & ollama with the helm chart in the source code, and I want to make sure If I run...
### What problem did you meet? my identity provier, reponse user info like this: { "code": 10000, "data": { "uid": "alice" }, "msg": success } i tried to config Profile...
长线运营之后,每组服务器需要的资源规格是差异比价大的,这就需要去为每个gs设置不同的资源规格,如: https://openkruise.io/zh/kruisegame/best-practices/pve-game#%E5%AE%9A%E5%90%91%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E6%B8%B8%E6%88%8F%E6%9C%8D%E9%95%9C%E5%83%8F%E4%B8%8E%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E8%A7%84%E6%A0%BC 中描述的方法。 但是通过edit yaml的方式去管理,当gs的数量比较多的时候就很不直观了,所以期望提供一个统一的视角来管理gs的差异化资源规格。 可能的实现方法: 1. 比如在kubesphere dashboard的主界面上增加编辑和展示功能。最好能支持批量编辑,或者通过分组,每组配置不同的资源规格,然后gs可以配置所属的分组。 2. 采用gitops流程,把差异化的资源定义代码化。
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tool.Call returns "error from evaluator: input:1:6: got '**' after expression, want EOF"