Keiichi Watanabe

Results 5 issues of Keiichi Watanabe

翻訳文中に、 全角の丸括弧 `()` と半角の丸括弧`()` が混在しているので、どちらかに統一したほうが良いと思います。 個人的には半角推しですが、クォートのかわりに全角の鉤括弧`「」`を使っているのにあわせて、全角にするという考えもあるかもしれません。

**Describe the issue** Escaped double quotations in string at attributes are not treated as a escaped character but a normal quotation. **Which language seems to have the issue?** Rust **Sample...

help welcome
good first issue

I tried to add a `--help` flag with `optflag` and a required option. I expected `my_command --help` worked, but it didn't because `Options::parse()` failed due to the lack of the...

Links to Intel SDM are outdated. Although they points to, PDFs don't exist there anymore. It seems that the manual was moved to [a new page]( ![Screenshot](