Justus Magin
Justus Magin
We have another set of datetime failures. From what I can tell, `pandas` changed behavior for this: ```python pd.date_range("2001", "2001", freq="-1ME", inclusive="both") ``` where on `pandas=2.2` this would return `DatetimeIndex`...
an update here: the release date of `numpy=2.0` has been set to June 16th, which gives us 3-4 weeks to fix the remaining issues. To be safe I'd suggest we...
The only remaining issue is #8946. As a summary, we're trying to support the Array API while simultaneously supporting python scalars in `where`. This is currently not supported by the...
we have two new unique issues: 1. `numpy.datetime64` scalars appear to have lost their component attributes (or rather, we're dispatching to `numpy.datetime64` instead of `cftime`): ``` xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py::test_infer_datetime_units_with_NaT[dates0-days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00]:...
In the meeting yesterday we decided to not bother with deduplication for now (and anyways it is nice to have backends somewhat self-contained). The API will be extended in #9033,...
see #8747. As a summary, we have a weekly meeting every Tuesday at 11:30 EST. > Too much has changed in that part of the codebase, which makes rebasing a...
from a quick `bisect`, it appears this particular issue was introduced by #4879. Not sure what to do to fix that. We can observe, though, that the file manager id...
my question was about the import of `numpy.array_api` in `xarray.namedarray._array_api`. I removed it, but I didn't check whether `nxp` is used (as far as I can tell, only the doctests...
unless I missed any (which is definitely possible), I've got it down to 3 unique errors: 1. we're using `dtype.kind` to check for "nullable" dtypes (`float`, `complex`, `object`). The array...
> For 2 you can calculate bytes from bits with `xp.iinfo(dtype).bits // 8` that works, although for floating dtypes there's `xp.finfo`. I've pushed an implementation, which should probably be refactored...