I used the docker image (Jon Long) on new CT volumes. The inference was impressive. Using Caffe 1.0.0, I am getting identical results to the above Prediction screenshot. Could somebody...
> I used the docker image (Jon Long) on new CT volumes. > The inference was impressive. > Using Caffe 1.0.0, I am getting identical results to the above Prediction...
Sure. 1. 3DIRCAD dataset-- 20 venous phase enhanced CT volumes from various European hospitals with different CT scanners [test#0, training cfcn network] 2. TCGA-LIHC is The Cancer Genome Atlas Liver...
I did not try to plot the accuracy curve. Here is my wrapper code--
I think that I am calling 3DCRF with the correct parameters based on a Caffe 1.0.0 produced liver mask. But, I am also seeing a highly eroded result like UpCoder.
I plan to try RFHO-BDSS's suggestion as I am also obtaining all zer0s. I will let you know my results.
I am confused what the feature_tensor should be ? Mine is (W, H, D, 1) where voxels = 0 for background, and = 1 for liver.
Thanks, your work-around seemed fine. I am still a newbie w.r.t the ThermoFisher.CommonCore assemblies. Regarding filtering, I think I saw some support in ThermoFisher.CommonCore.Data.Business? Do you happen to have a...
"RuntimeError: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered" This error happened to me during training (mmsegmentation\tools\ when my label images contained class numbers outside the 150 class range expected....
Installing tensorflow==2.15.0 worked for me too.