Eoghan O'Keeffe
Eoghan O'Keeffe
Love the site, have used it frequently for reference and learning - but returned to it recently and [it seems to have been taken down](http://webglstats.com/). This'd be a real shame...
It seems that values that aren't primitive or `Object` types are destructively handled - for example, if an `Array` is passed to a state field, it does not keep its...
There are similarities between the two APIs, but it can be quite unclear where some of the parameters should be passed. In my example, I needed to generate custom mipmaps...
Could break these up into separate files with [`glslify` module exports](https://github.com/glslify/glslify#exporting-a-glsl-module) (`#pragma glslify: export(f)`). (Doing so on a fork for now.)
GLSL built-in functions usually have a variation where the operand is vector and the other parameters are all scalars, making it easier to specify common axes without converting data-type first....