kebeda appears that `meta.COMMIT_DISTANCE` also isn't exposed as a maven property...will need to add this too @McFoggy.
3.3.3 doesn't give me the "authentication failed" message, but it does still give me the "inappropriate ioctl for device message", no dice :( In fact, just running `aws ecr get-login-password`...
@JasonLuo-Redgate How is it optional? Without it, there is no way to access the JAR from the module path without making changes to the client code. This doesn't fit the...
@JasonLuo-Redgate Removing the `Automatic-Module-Name` from org.flywaydb:flyway-core:10.0.0 does _not_ fix #3342, rather it hides the fact that it was never properly addressed at the expense of breaking all Java Migrations written...
.@JasonLuo-Redgate Yes, that is the case, but it is a "hack" for Java 8 code; the name is unstable. For example, in Flyway v7/8/9, this name was `org.flywaydb.core`. For v10.0.0...
@madninjaskillz If you are introducing ``'s to all your published artifacts (as user appears to have done), and they match the name you gave for the module historically in...
For the same reason you would use any other valid character in a path name? Are you claiming space is an 'exotic' character? AFAIK, a space is a valid character...
If you don't have the time/interest to deal with correct parsing, may I suggest you delegate that to someone that does? There are many well-tested, time-proven libraries that handle this:...