
Results 9 comments of keatis

Pitifully issue is still here... Nav is still being partially collapsed, despite `--no-theme-condense`. Collapsed chapters have 6+ links. But even if i split them to have 2-3 links, some of...

Thanks for pointing this out! I'd suggest to make explicit initialization on STM32F7 without condition. And as it turned out to work ok, i'd rather remake that `if` condition some...

Yep, it is possible after approx. 30 seconds @72Mhz. There was a typo in the definitions, so signed int was used instead of unsigned. Sorry for that :)

I feel lucky that i didn't hit into such situation with this delay (or reason was not obvious). Anyway, I ran some simple loops after fix: did nothing, blinked LEDs,...

@sumitsaboo07 There's no nanodelay at the moment. I plan to add it as soon as I have any measurement tools so I can test accuracy of such delays. You can...

Sorry, i dont know if there's any good fastled lib for Atollic/Eclipse. But you can use this lib directly in arduino (stm32-based, of course), and add nano-delays as i wrote...

Hi. What is exact problem and what are you trying to do? If i got it right, the lib you linked doesn't require any delay library, since it uses TIM2...

Actually, including `main.h` is not a solution for different reasons. Most probable one is that proper header file might be included in `main.c`, and thus including `main.h` will give nothing....

4 years passed, i didnt expect this repo to be quite popular. Anyway, i updated description with M0/1 mention. Thnx for noting. It is true, M0/0+/1 are not supported since...