@jimjfletcher I sent an email about that on the 19th.
@HeZhang Please try to get as many of the use cases in as you can. Just make sure they are relevant ones. If you have anymore questions please direct them...
I'm not sure exactly what a SQL table looks like I guess I could try to derive some kind of classes according to the information in those tables. The analysis...
Uploaded what I have so far of the Analysis model and I did it in .odt just for you Hayden. (I also uploaded a .doc just for fun) And I...
Aren't there 3 fully dressed use cases required? I seem to remember him saying there were 3.
Ok we have our use cases almost completely finished. chase just has to do some tweaking (his laptop recently died on him and he is having trouble) He said he...
domain model: will start on as soon as I get the rest of the remainder of use cases.
domain model completed